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【预订】Catching Up......

  • 【预订】Catching Up......
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  • 品牌:
  • 货号:ba98bbe98e9
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家中国国际图书专营店


Product Details基本信息
ISBN-13 书号00
Author 作者 R. Pepe
Format版本 平装
Pages Number 页数 136页
Publisher 出版社 Dog Ear Publishing, LLC
Publication Date 出版日期 (咨询特价)年8月23日
Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 14 x 0.8 x 21.6 cm
Shipping Weight 商品重量 181 g
Language 语种 英语
Book Description内容简介
At the age of four Karen Peterson, an only child, knew that the happiest world she could live in was her own. After the tragic loss of her very young mother she was left to be raised by her beloved retired military father who ultimately decided to place her in a home for girls. Shortly thereafter she becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Upon graduation from school she returns to her ailing father's bedside to finally learn the truth about her mother's untimelydisappearance. It wasn't until the day before her 60th Birthday that she knew everything she ever envisioned would become reality.
While strolling through several antique shops in the quaint little town of Aurora, Oregon the author was reminded that playing the piano was only the first part of her lifetime goals. Now was the time to begin her journey into the wonderful world of storytelling. As she was leaving the last little shop she found a little old bear sitting in a log chair. "Bear in the Chair" became her inspiration to write this book which is based on her theory that you live what you see.